Assembly Auto Inhibition

  • Ligand binding that promotes protein oligomerization, which is auto-inhibited by saturation of ligand (related to the prozone effect).
  • Model contributed by: Martin Rennie, PhD
  • Rennie & Crowley (2019). ChemPhysChem (link).
  • indiv_models.AssemblyAutoInhibition


model scheme

Illustrated with \(m=2\), \(n_L=5\), \(n_P=4\).


parameter variable parameter name class
macroscopic association constant for binding of the first ligand to the protein monomer (M-1) \(K_{1}\) Klig1 thermodynamic
average* association constant for binding of the remaining ligands to the protein monomer (M-1) \(K_{2}\) Klig2 thermodynamic
average* association constant for formation of the protein oligomer (M-1) \(K_{3}\) Kolig thermodynamic
enthalpy change for binding of the first ligand to the protein monomer \(\Delta H_{1}\) dHlig1 thermodynamic
enthalpy change for binding of the remaining ligands to the protein monomer \(\Delta H_{2}\) dHlig2 thermodynamic
enthalpy change for formation of the protein oligomer \(\Delta H_{3}\) dHolig thermodynamic
stoichiometry of ligands in the saturated protein monomer, must be ≥2 \(m\) m thermodynamic
stoichiometry of ligands in the protein oligomer \(n_{L}\) n_lig thermodynamic
stoichiometry of proteins in the protein oligomer \(n_{P}\) n_prot thermodynamic
fraction competent protein fx_prot_competent nuisance
fraction competent ligand fx_lig_competent nuisance
slope of heat of dilution dilution_heat nuisance
intercept of heat of dilution dilution_intercept nuisance

*equilibrium constants for the higher order equilibria are “averaged” using \(\sqrt[N]{K}\), where \(N\) is the order of the equilibrium, such that the units are M-1 (see Rennie & Crowley (2019). ChemPhysChem (link))


\[[P_{T}]_{i} = [P]_{i} + [PL]_{i} + [PL_{m}]_{i} + n_{P}[P_{olig}]_{i}\]
\[[L_{T}]_{i} = [L]_{i} + [PL]_{i} + m[PL_{m}]_{i} + n_{L}[P_{olig}]_{i}\]
\[[PL]_{i} = K_{1}[P]_{i}[L]_{i}\]
\[[PL_{2}]_{i} = K_{1}K_{2}^{m-1}[P]_{i}[L]_{i}^{m}\]
\[[P_{olig}]_{i} = K_{3}^{n_{L}+n_{P}-1}[P]_{i}^{n_{P}}[L]_{i}^{n_{L}}\]


\[\begin{split}q_{i} = V_{cell}\Big ( \Delta H_{1}^{\circ}([PL]_{i} - [PL]_{i-1}(1-v_{i}/V_{cell})) \\ + (\Delta H_{1}^{\circ} + \Delta H_{2}^{\circ})([PL_{2}]_{i} - [PL_{2}]_{i-1}(1 - v_{i}/V_{cell})) \\ + \Delta H_{3}^{\circ}([P_{olig}]_{i} - [P_{olig}]_{i-1}(1 - v_{i}/V_{cell})) \Big ) + q_{dil}\end{split}\]

where: \([P_{T}]_{i}\) is the total cell concentration of protein at the \(i^\text{th}\) injection (independent variable); \([L_{T}]_{i}\) is the total cell concentration of ligand at the \(i^\text{th}\) injection (independent variable); \(V_{cell}\) is the volume of the cell; \(v_{i}\) is the volume of the \(i^\text{th}\) injection; \(q_{i}\) is the heat generated from the \(i^\text{th}\) injection; \(q_{dil}\) is the heat of dilution.